Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Food Sign Up

Please leave a comment of what food you will be bringing to the party.


Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Pulled pork (sandwiches)

Anonymous said...

A green salad

Abi said...

I am all over dessert. Right? I hope that is right!

Lisa said...

I'm bringing drinks!

Abi said...

Hey are we discussing the book Water for Elephants in January? Or November? Kim and I are confused. Because our husbands probably won't want to discuss it don'tcha think!

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I thought we were discussing it in January.

Anonymous said...

YOu tell me whats left to bring and I'll bring it...? Dee Dee are you coming if so...hooray!

Anonymous said...

Hillary is bringing a green salad, and so I will bring a veggie tray.

maxfamclan said...

Thanks Tiff! I didn't realize there was a sign-up on the blog. For some reason my blog link kep bringing up the blog as it looked in May. hmmmm.